Customise your application form

Custom Application Form

You can choose what information you require to make an informed decision on a hire. We have pre-selected the most common selection criteria for you. You can choose whether the information is required, optional or not required. Toggle the selections to choose the information you need.


A preview of the application form that will be displayed on your Career Portal is displayed on the right-hand side of the page.


Remember the more information you ask for up front, the more drop off you will have in applications. Consider sending custom questionnaires at different stages of your hiring process.

Screen Candidates with Questionnaires

With Simplify you can easily screen candidates with pre-defined questionnaires, or add a new questionnaire to the vacancy on the fly. You can choose from a host of question types for added flexibility:

  • Free text - Simple short text answers
  • Multiple choice - Pre-defined options where only one option is possible
  • Check box - Pre-defined options where more than one option is possible
  • Paragraph - This is best used when a motivation is required

You have the ability to automatically move candidates based on the selection that they have made in multiple choice questions.

Select a pre-defined questionnaire:


or create one on the fly:


When you are happy with your application form, you can move on to Promote your vacancy , Select a hiring team, Evaluations or quick publishing your role


Save and Continue

If you save and continue, your vacancy will be saved in an unpublished state. You can always publish and unpublish vacancies as you need.