Endpoint that provides a vacancies custom questions and questionnaire

Get Vacancy Custom Questions and Questionnaire

In order to access this endpoint ensure that you do a GET request with an Authorization header containing your access token.

id: string - id of the vacancy
Authorization : {token}

Result Codes

403 Forbidden
200 OK
400 Bad request
500 Internal server error


Calling this endpoint will a list of Custom Questions and a Questionnaire for the vacancy associated with the Id

VacancyIdintVacancy Id
CustomQuestionsarrayList of Custom Questions for a Vacancy
QuestionnaireobjectQuestionnaire for a Vacancy

Custom Question

IdintQuestion Id
QuestionstringQuestion field
VacancyIdintId associated with Vacancy
Typeint1 = Text
2 = Radio Buttons
3 = Check Boxes
4 = Paragraph
RequirementTypeint1 = Required
2 = Optional
3 = Off
OptionsarraySee Custom Question Option Below. Only applies to Radio Button an Check Box Questions

Custom Question Option

QuestionIdintId associated with Question
OptionstringOption field
MoveTointMove candidate to
null = Applied
2 = Shortlist
3 = Interview
4 = Feedback
6 = Disqualified


TitlestringTitle of questionnaire
VacancyIdintId of associated vacancy
QuestionsarraySee Questionnaire Question

Questionnaire Question

QuestionnaireIdintId associated with Questionnaire
QuestionstringQuestion field
Typeint1 = Text
2 = Radio Buttons
3 = Check Boxes
4 = Paragraph
OrderintOrder displayed
RequiredintIs answer required
OptionsarraySee Questionnaire Option

Questionnaire Question Option

QuestionIdintId associated with Question
AnswerstringAnswer field
MoveintMove candidate to
0 = Do not move
3 = Disqualified
4 = Shortlist
ScoreintScore based on option
  "VacancyId": 23051,
  "CustomQuestions": [
      "Id": 29013,
      "Question": "Text type question",
      "VacancyId": 23051,
      "Type": 1,
      "RequirementType": 1,
      "Rank": 1,
      "Options": []
      "Id": 29014,
      "Question": "Radio button type question",
      "VacancyId": 23051,
      "Type": 2,
      "RequirementType": 2,
      "Rank": 2,
      "Options": [
          "Id": 57822,
          "QuestionId": 29014,
          "Option": "Move to Applied option",
          "Answer": null,
          "MoveTo": null,
          "Score": null
          "Id": 57823,
          "QuestionId": 29014,
          "Option": "Move to Disqualified option",
          "Answer": null,
          "MoveTo": 6,
          "Score": null
          "Id": 57824,
          "QuestionId": 29014,
          "Option": "Move to Shortlist option",
          "Answer": null,
          "MoveTo": 2,
          "Score": null
          "Id": 57825,
          "QuestionId": 29014,
          "Option": "Move to Feedback option",
          "Answer": null,
          "MoveTo": 4,
          "Score": null
          "Id": 57826,
          "QuestionId": 29014,
          "Option": "Move to Interview option",
          "Answer": null,
          "MoveTo": 3,
          "Score": null
  "Questionnaire": {
    "Id": 3739,
    "Title": "Questionnaire Example",
    "VacancyId": 23051,
    "Questions": [
        "Id": 22414,
        "QuestionnaireId": 3739,
        "Question": "Text type question",
        "Type": 1,
        "Order": 1,
        "Required": true,
        "Options": []
        "Id": 22415,
        "QuestionnaireId": 3739,
        "Question": "Radio button type question",
        "Type": 2,
        "Order": 2,
        "Required": true,
        "Options": [
            "Id": 54170,
            "QuestionId": 22415,
            "Answer": "Move to Shortlisted option",
            "MoveTo": 4,
            "Score": 60
            "Id": 54171,
            "QuestionId": 22415,
            "Answer": "Move to Disqualified option",
            "MoveTo": 3,
            "Score": 0
            "Id": 54172,
            "QuestionId": 22415,
            "Answer": "Option",
            "MoveTo": 0,
            "Score": 0
        "Id": 22416,
        "QuestionnaireId": 3739,
        "Question": "Check box type question",
        "Type": 3,
        "Order": 3,
        "Required": true,
        "Options": [
            "Id": 54173,
            "QuestionId": 22416,
            "Answer": "Option",
            "MoveTo": 0,
            "Score": 33
            "Id": 54174,
            "QuestionId": 22416,
            "Answer": "Move to Shortlisted option",
            "MoveTo": 4,
            "Score": 33
            "Id": 54175,
            "QuestionId": 22416,
            "Answer": "Move to Disqualified option",
            "MoveTo": 3,
            "Score": 33
        "Id": 22417,
        "QuestionnaireId": 3739,
        "Question": "Paragraph type question",
        "Type": 4,
        "Order": 4,
        "Required": false,
        "Options": []