Contains API calls which can be used against the Candidate entity.

1.Get Candidate By Id

In order to access this endpoint ensure that you do a GET request with an Authorization header containing your access token.

id: string - id of the candidate
Authorization : {token}

Result codes

403 Forbidden
200 OK
400 Bad request
500 Internal server error


Calling this endpoint will return a full JSON object for the candidate associated with the id on the url. The main properties of a candidate are nested/grouped under a "main" property CandidateInfo.

CandidateInfo : { ... }
QuestionnaireAnswers: [],
CustomQuestionsAnswers: [],
CandidateUtmSource: [],
ApplicationNotes: [],
Documents: []

Candidate properties

Please note that these properties are second level properties and thus returned/nested under a first level property *CandidateInfo**.

IdintThe candidate identifier
FirstNamestring (required)Candidate's first name
LastNamestring (required)Candidate's last name
TitlestringThe title of the candidate
CoverNotestringCover note specified when applying
SummarystringSummary of candidate
ProfileImageUrlstringProfile picture url retrieved from social network
CandidateSourceint (required)Application = 0,
ManualEntry = 1,
CvUpload = 2,
EmailApplication = 3, ExternalRecruiterEmailApplication = 4
SocialTwitterstringTwitter account url
SocialFacebookstringFacebook account url
SocialLinkedInstringLinkedIn account url
SocialGooglePlusstringGoogle account url
EmailstringEmail address of candidate
PhonestringPhone number of candidate
CreatedByIdintId of the member who created the candidate
VacancyIdintId of the vacancy that the candidate applied for
StageIdint1 Applied
2 Reviewed
3 Interviewing
4 Feedback
5 Offer
6 Disqualified
7 Hired
8 PendingOnBoardingApproval
9 OnboardingRejected
CityIdintId of the city that the candidate lives in
CityNamestringName of the city that the candidate lives in
CountryIdintCountry Id of the city that the candidate lives in
EthnicityIdint1 African
2 Coloured
3 Indian/Asian
4 White
HeadlinestringCandidate headline
GenderIdintMale = 1,
Female = 2,
Disabilityboolean (true, false)Disabled candidate
NationalityIdintSouthAfrican = 1,
NonSouthAfrican = 2,
PermanentResident = 5,
NonSouthAfricanWithWorkPermit = 6
SAIdNumberstringSouth African ID number
PassportNumberstringPassport number for non South African citizens or non holders of a South African permanent residency permit
WorkPermitNumberstringWork permit number for non South African citizens holders of a valid work permit
UpdatedByIdintId of the member that is doing the update
WhatsAppEnabledboolean (true, false)Indicates whether the candidate is eligible to receive WhatsApp messages sent from note:for this to work the WhatsApp integration needs to be activated in and the Phone parameter must contain the country code e.g 27825653853.

WorkHistories object:

IdintId of the workhistory item
FromdatetimeStart date
TodatetimeEnd Date
Titlestring (required)Job title of the candidate
Companystring (required)Company that the candidate worked at

Education object:

IdintId of the education item
FromdatetimeStart date of education item
TodatetimeEnd date of education item
Titlestring (required)Title of education qualification

Skill object:

IdintId of the skill item
Namestring (required)Skill name

Result Format

    "CandidateInfo": {
        "Id": 5856,
        "FirstName": "Jane",
        "LastName": "Smith",
        "Title": null,
        "CoverNote": null,
        "Summary": "Jane is a Architect at a Global Software company.",
        "ProfileImageUrl": null,
        "CandidateSource": 1,
        "SocialTwitter": null,
        "SocialFacebook": null,
        "SocialLinkedIn": null,
        "SocialGooglePlus": null,
        "Email": "[email protected]",
        "Phone": "0871234567",
        "CreatedById": 1127,
        "UpdatedById": 1127,
        "Created": "2017-11-10T09:53:45.577",
        "Updated": "2017-11-10T09:53:45.577",
        "VacancyId": null,
        "StageId": null,
        "CityId": 30948,
        "CityName": "Cape Town",
        "CountryId": 1,
        "EthnicityId": 4,
        "ExternalRecruiterId": null,
        "Headline": null,
        "GenderId": 2,
        "Disability": null,
        "NationalityId": null,
    "WorkHistories": [
            "Id": 7689,
            "From": "2017-01-01T00:00:00",
            "To": "2017-10-31T00:00:00",
            "Title": "Architect",
            "Company": "Microsoft",
            "Summary": "Duties include translate business requirements into technical specifications and developing enterprise systems."
    "Educations": [
            "Id": 6412,
            "From": "2017-01-01T00:00:00",
            "To": "2017-12-31T00:00:00",
            "Title": "MTech: Information Technology",
            "Field": null,
            "School": "Unisa",
            "Summary": null
    "Skills": [
            "Id": 64107,
            "Name": "SQL"
            "Id": 64106,
            "Name": "ASP.NET"
    "Documents": [
            "Id": "f552ec84-a633-44e6-93fb-fb2481a9e0f9",
            "FileName": "JaneSmith-CV.pd",
            "Type": "CV",
            "Created": "2017-12-31T00:00:00"