If the WhatsApp integration is turned on for the company this endpoint can be used to relay WhatsApp messages from candidates and it will be stored by us and displayed on the candidate details page

Authorization : {token}
Content-Type : application/json


This api call will only work if the client has WhatsApp integration enabled on Simplify.hr:

Result codes:

403 Forbidden
200 Ok (Message created)
400 Bad request
500 Internal server error


CandidateIdintYId of the candidate.Can be obtained from the Candidate create call
MessagestringYWhatsApp message being relayed
MessageSentDatestringYDate/Time stamp of when the message leaves the callers system.Must be in the following format dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss

Sample post:

    "Message":"Good day.Can I please have an update on my job application?",
    "MessageSentDate" : "18/03/2024 11:53:00"