for Corporates

Follow the changes and improvements we have made to to ensure that your recruitment technology meets your business needs, and the evolving recruitment landscape.


  • added: When searching candidate database, keywords will now highlight in candidate profile
  • added: Job Functional area now used as an additional sector when posting to Careers24
  • improved: Administrators can now grant any user search rights for their full candidate database.
  • added: Fully customisable career pages for Divisions and Business Units
  • improved: Spell Check is now available in work experience fields for candidate profile
  • fixed: Job Posting: International Locations displays on Job Details page.
  • improved: Reports: Time to Close report now available which provides insights into how long a vacancy has been open.
  • added: Per User Search Permission: Now you can allow any user to have search access to your full candidate database.
  • improved: Assigning Candidates to Vacancies : We have updated the design for assigning candidates
  • fixed: Reporting : Now includes archived vacancies
  • improved: Vacancy Filter Improvement : When filtering your vacancies, you can now filter by the vacancy creator instead of the hiring team.
  • added: Flagging a Candidate : The flags on candidate profiles will now be visible on all versions of the candidate.
  • added: Custom Hiring Pipelines now available to ensure the recruitment stages reflects your internal process.
  • added: Active Directory Authentication: You can now use Active Directory for your employee portal. Users can now log in and out of the portal using domain login credentials when Active Directory Authentication is enabled.
  • added: Adding Additional Documents to your candidate profiles : When linking documents to an existing candidate profile, you may now select "Other" as well as rename the document for ease of reference.
  • improved: Candidate Details Export : We have included additional information when exporting your candidates to CSV/Excel. Additional information includes ID/Work Permit number, Highest Qualification, Current Job Title and more.
  • improved: Sourced and Applied Candidates : Now you can differentiate between internally sourced and candidate applications. This can be viewed from the dashboard as well as in reporting.
  • added: Notes : Make use of "General Notes" for general purposes or candidates that have not been assigned to a vacancy. Vacancy Notes can be used in relation to the vacancy the candidate has been sourced for or applied to.
  • improved: Employment Equity Report : We have included filtering per stage of the hiring process.